The Future Has Arrived!
We are excited to present our latest & greatest vaporizer, the RöK! Feast your eyes on the best portable electronic dab rig available. This rig enables the ability to experience premium innovation and taste the finer properties of your exquisite concentrates and open up their full flavor profile. The Pulsar RöK is where functionality meets performance and enables yet another way to enjoy higher culture.
Specs & Features
- 6.75" tall
- Isolated airpath
- 3 voltage settings
- 30 second 'RöK Mode'
- All metal body
- Coilless quartz & ceramic cups
- Boro glass filtration base
- Disc percolator
- Carb cap included
- 1 year limited warranty
Included Items
1 - Dabber tool
2 - Wire brushes
1 - Wax carb cap
1 - Coilless quartz cup
1 - Coilless ceramic cup
2 - Silicone collars
1 - USB charging cable
4 - Crud Bud alcohol filled cotton buds
The Pulsar RoK E-Rig is a sensational customer favorite, and we hope you like it just as much.
Inventory Last Updated: Nov 02, 2024